Stunning Neutral Decor Ideas For Your Living Room 18Stunning Neutral Decor Ideas For Your Living Room 18

A condominium unit is designed to be useful but at the same time, stylish. Decorating it on your own can make it more attractive and welcoming. It is important, however, to make sure that as you decorate, you do not compromise the need to keep it spacious enough. Here are ways to do this.

Even how much you want to have a coffee table, it is not very advisable to have one in your condo’s living room. Remember that condos are smaller than traditional homes. Thus, keeping things at a minimum is necessary. Put a love seat and a pair of armchairs instead of a bulky sofa.

Use side tables as coffee tables instead of a real coffee table. Also, ditch the useless knickknacks. These are mere clutter. Put only valuable items on display. Remember that having only a few items is better than having an overly-decorated table. By doing this, you will be assured that there will be enough space to walk in.

When picking the furniture pieces for your condo unit, make sure to not compromise space for beauty. Try multifunctional pieces that are not bulky. Buy chairs that can double as storage spaces for books and trinkets. Choose side tables that may serve as closets as well.

In place of bulky cabinets, buy closets that may be bolted on the walls. And if your budget permits, purchase home entertainment furnishings that may be installed on the wall.

Paint color allows homeowners to communicate whatever it is that they want their condos to convey. Comfort and spaciousness are the ones commonly desired to be expressed through paint color. Thus, it is important to choose neutral colors in painting your condo’s living room. Light and neutral colors give the illusion of space and at the same time, they send other messages to your guests.

Yellow exudes a warm, cozy feeling, while blue gray has a calming effect. By making use of these characteristics of paint, you will be able to economically and successfully decorate your living room.

Mirrors reflect and scatter light and when light is scattered in your living room, you can be sure that it will look spacious enough to your guest. Make sure, however, to place mirrors in perfect spots. Never install excessive mirrors as these can cause confusion to both guests and you.

If privacy is not an issue with you and your family, it is good to keep windows open. Let natural light enter by putting sheer curtains instead of solid linen, and if possible, do not put curtains or blinds at all. Giving your guests the opportunity to see the outside can give the illusion that the place is extended. The outdoors instantly becomes a part of your living room, without having to put a wall paper.

Rugs can provide added class to any home. Thus, you may want to add a rug to further beautify your living room. Make sure, however, to use two rugs instead of one. By placing two rugs apart with enough distance in the middle, you can make your condo’s living room look bigger and wider.

The tips of the rugs can mark the end of different areas, while the gap in between the rugs will look like an extra space. Using only one rug will provide the illusion of a limited floor area in your living room.

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