Amazing Living Wall Indoor Decoration Ideas 03Amazing Living Wall Indoor Decoration Ideas 03

For the indoor beauty of natural living wall system, also called a green wall, is becoming quite popular.

These walls are vertical structures and are different from vertical gardens, which are more about growing herbs, flowers and vegetables in small containers, placed atop of each other in a colorful display.

However, a living wall system delicately mixes an array of flora colors that fills the vertical wall with foliage and flowering plants. The wall is a hydroponics garden that combines both beauty and functional natural art that delivers an aesthetic effect and also filters the air which can be built inside or outside walls.

Malls, Civic Centers and other office buildings have benefited for years from the calming effect that an interior living wall provides. They have discovered that the green wall encourages a calming effect among their visitors. The soothing calming peaceful plants that ease the senses or perhaps the dramatic improvement in air quality from the plants eliminating volatile organic compounds or VOCs could be what cause the calming effect. Nature has an amazing ability to fix the chemical ills that can and do harm. By filtering out the gases such as carbon dioxide from building and destroying viruses in the air, humans breathe better and in turn feel better.

Plants that deliver beauty and help in air purification are elephant ear Philodendron, golden pothos, English ivy, spider plants, and aloe vera. There are several other species of plants that remove certain toxins and still thrive on direct or indirect sunlight. It is important to provide when building an indoor living wall system to be sure there is good air circulation. Providing circulating air using a box fan or your home’s fan system on the furnace will work well if they’re close enough to give a direct breeze on the wall.

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