Stunning Hippie Room Decor Ideas You Never Seen Before 41Stunning Hippie Room Decor Ideas You Never Seen Before 41

There are many home decorating styles that people adopt. Much of it is determined by personal preference, but some of it is adopted because people want to sell their property. Some home decorating is completely modern with plain wood or laminate flooring throughout and perhaps a fully tiled bathroom and of course a fully fitted kitchen.

Some people’s home decorating styles tend towards the country cottage with lots of chintzy curtains and big soft cushions. Large kitchens are a favorite for this style because people can eat in a warm, bright room that is hung with pots and brightened by plants.

The high-tech metallic and mirrored look of the discos influenced home and office interior design. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the hippie culture with travel to India and Morocco introduced the “ethnic” look. The words “Peace” and “Love” were seen everywhere as both graphic symbols and as a mantra of a generation.

The more colorful the fabrics, the better, seen with larger sized, stylized flowers and brighter colors than ever before. Neon colors created a very modern look. The hippie look consisted of ethnic prints like Indian fabrics made of cotton. Indian saris were used as bedspreads, curtains and wall hangings.

Organic choices reflect the hippie spirit, and can even save you money over the lifetime of the item on occasion, such as energy-efficient bulbs. Many different organic choices in the bedroom are reflections of everything that the hippies embodied. Your modern hippie will love bed linens that are comfortable and made from materials such as organic cotton or bamboo derivatives.

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