Popular DIY Wall Decor Ideas Easy To Copy 30Popular DIY Wall Decor Ideas Easy To Copy 30

Now might be a good time to turn your thoughts back to those wall decorating ideas you had in mind before the kids broke up from school and your plans got derailed with busy summer-time activities. It’s easy to update living areas by putting a fresh coat of paint on your walls and paint doesn’t have to be just a solid color anymore.

There are also all kinds of faux decorating techniques you can try such as sponging, ragging, faux marble, faux wood, faux animal prints, just to name a few. Hand painting a wall mural or a faux scene is another creative wall decorating idea to add originality and interest to your walls.

Adding a large clock to your wall will make for such marvelous wall decor. They can be quite expensive but is well worth it in the decoration area. Large clocks come in so many different shapes and colors. Picking just one is the hard part. Mirrors are great ways to make your room look larger. Mirrors can make for some beautiful decor in any room. You can use many different sizes for just one wall. Arrange them, according to your preference. They can also be mixed with other wall hangings you have chosen.

If you are a mother, one amazing way to brighten up your walls can be by framing your child’s artwork, or you can even take them and convert the paintings onto any kind of fabric and framing it. You can make special wall hangings and add the artwork to them and hang them up on your walls. This type of wall decor will be beautiful and have great meaning to it.

A good way to decide which wall treatments are the best for you is to browse through catalogs and decorating magazines or to attend open houses to get some great wall decorating ideas that will be just perfect for your home. The ideas and possibilities are endless when it comes to wall decor. With whatever color and style you choose, you can add any of these ideas to your wall for a beautiful decor scheme.

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